Coastal Pee Dee Regional S2TEM Center
(Solutions in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education)
The Pee Dee Education Center serves as the host site for the Coastal Pee Dee S2TEM Center, one of five regional sites that make up S²TEM Centers SC. Known over the years as "Hubs" (1993 - 2002), "Mathematics & Science Regional Centers" (2003 - 2009), "S2MART Centers" (2009 - 2011) and now S2TEM Centers SC, our statewide infrastructure for STEM education brings information, support, innovation and research to the community with emphasis on K-12 schools.. S²TEM Centers SC is a public/private/fee-for-service not-for-profit organization. We seek to work collaboratively with STEM-oriented partners in education, business and government. S²TEM Centers SC is an initiative of South Carolina’s Coalition for Mathematics and Science.
Guided by S²TEM Centers SC Theory of Action for Instructional Improvement, some of the Solutions for Success we offer are:
- Assessing, Planning and Supporting District and School Needs
- Coaching Support for District and School Leaders, Instructional Coaches and Teachers
- Evaluating STEM Programs
- Facilitating Professional Learning Teams
- Assisting with Curriculum Implementation
- Providing Training and Support for S.C. Academic Standards
- Providing Formative Assessment Training
- Providing Disciplinary Literacy Training and Support
Want to know more about S2TEM ?
Contact Tracey Campbell